Colon Cancer
What is Colon cancer
This is a common cancer with 15000 Australians diagnosed per year with males being slightly more commonly affected than females. Approximately 90% of bowel cancers are cured if detected early. Early detection can be done by having a colonoscopy up front or having a stool test (National bowel cancer screening test or FOBT) which if positive will then progress to a colonoscopy for biopsies and confirmation. Once symptoms develop, it is often too late (to be early cancer) and cure rates are much lower or cure may not possible. The symptoms may include bowel changes in the form of diarrhea or constipation or change is size/consistency of stool, bleeding, pain and unexplained weight loss.

Lastly, bowel cancer is very preventable if bowel polyps (which give rise to cancer) are detected and promptly removed at colonoscopy.